Dec 29 2009

Another Day No other dollars LOL

Published by under Art Antics

Well stuck at home again.  I really must stop mucking around on this computer and get out and look for a job.  Or I suppose I could go and do some clay.  Or maybe even tackle a painting.  I really have no excuse just like I have no motivation.  Woe is me.  Great this is sounding really depressing, have to get off my but and go and do something.  Ill try hanging out some washing and then I might feel like Ive actually done something.  Then Im going to try a Salvador Dali inspired painting to do with washing I think.  Yeh that sounds like fun.  Im already feeling better, seee.  ya just got to get off the old jacksee and do something.  Thats the ticket my old poppa would say.  Ill drop back with a photo. I promise even if it doesn’t come out like I see it in my head…… (ongoing problem with me…).

ka kite ano

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